Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A couple of days ago,
I decided that 
was creating too much strife
in my life.

I decided to
deactivate my account—
at least until 
after the election.
Even though I miss it,
I don’t miss all
of the hatefulness going on. 

I decided that it was time
to devote some of my energy 
to myself!! 

Caring for an invalid Aunt
takes up a lot of my time.
I’d be the first to recommend 
to anyone in this situation 
to care for themself first.

But we rarely 
take our own advice.

Last night,
with my husband’s encouragement,
I decided it was time 
for a nice luxurious soak.

The soothing properties 
of lavender and hot water
are just what the doctor ordered.

My best advice to you is to
take good care of yourself 
before you commit to caring for others!!

Blessings to all who visit here.


1 comment:

  1. Uh oh - I think you forgot to put water in the tub, Lynn☺ I hate the politics too. We're so happy to have you blogging again♥
